--Introducing the complete guide to Self-Publishing--


It's time to move from dreaming to creating, from planning to achieving. This guide will give you the information and confidence to pursue Self-Publishing!

You want to write and publish a book but you don't know where to start!

Information overload leads to analysis paralysis!

I know how it feels when you are so overwhelmed you are unable to make a decision.

You might be wondering if you can even Self-Publish on your own!

A little bit about me!

I didn't believe I could write and
Self-Publish a book on my own until I did!

I was once where you are with this incredible story floating in my head and dreams of becoming an author in my heart. Finally, in September of 2016
(I know the exact date because I journal it) I wrote my first picture book story. I had no idea how this story would come to life and how I could hold a finished book in my hand, but I wrote it. Then came a year-long into the process of Self-Publishing, where all the pieces and a lot of people came together to produce my first ever published book.

Self-Publishing allowed me to finally cross off a dream I have been holding onto for so long. I was able to also achieve many other things after publishing my first two books.

This guide is the guide I wish I had when I started, I stumbled and doubted myself every step of the way, and I wish I had someone to tell me many of the realities I have disclosed in this guide. 



Will I be receiving a physical book?

No this is a digital guide but feel free to print yourself a copy if you prefer.

Will you help me get published?

his guide will answer all your question regarding all the different type of Publishing. Most importantly it will allow you to finally understand everything about Self-Publishing. You might become your own publisher after reading this guide.

Will this guide show me how to Self-Publish?

No! this guide is not a step by step of how to tutorial on the Self-Publishing process. It is designed to help you determine if Self-Publishing is the right path for you. 

What if it didn't answer all my questions?

I would be happy to answer any specific questions you might have, send me an email at : rahmarodaah@gmail.com

Here is an interview about my journey and why I want to help others write and share their own story.

Here is a glimpse on what kind of knowledge I share. 

Honest Talk

Pros & Cons

Real Success Stories

Please note this this a digital product. You will not receive a hard copy nor will a refund be possible past purchase. If you have not received your copy please send me email at: rahmarodaah@gmail.com. 

Connect with me via social media @rahmarodaah